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Hasmonean k stage 2 יום העצמאות

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who said “ אם תרצו אין זו אגדה ״
הרצל hertzel
Is Israel invented the cherry tomatoes
What is the name of the lowest point in the world ?
Dead sea ים המלח
Do we have lots of barbecues in Israel on Tom haatzmaut ? True/ false
Do we call Tel aviv the city that never stops true or false
What is the most popular food in Israel?
Falafel, Shawarma
How do we say Hello in Ivrit
Name few cities in Israel which are located near the sea
Natanya, Hertzeliya, Tel Aviv, Eilat , Haifa etc
Name the holy place in Jerusalem
הכותל Hakotel
What are the official languages in Israel?
Hebrew/ Ivrit ,Arabic
What is the symbol inside the Israeli flag called ?
Magen David /star of David
What is the money that is used in Israel?
Name few seas in Israel?
Kineret ,Dead Sea, Mediterranean Sea ,yam soof
What is the Israeli anthem called ?
The capital city of Israel is?
Which year Israel was declared a state ?
How old is Israel ?