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Computer Literacy Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is cyberbullying?
the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person (such as a student) often done anonymously
What is a flame?
angry electronic message
What is the way you tell your readers that certain material in your work came from another source?
Citation, cite your source
What is plagiarism?
taking someone else's work and passing it off as your own
What is digital etiquette?
the proper way to communicate online
What is an example of texting language?
LOL! BRB smh omg
What is a unique phrase?
one that is coined by an author and used by others in the same genre/discipline
What is the practice of spying on a user of an ATM, computer, or other electronic device in order to obtain their personal access information?
Shoulder Surfing
What does a firewall do?
prevents other computers on the internet from accessing a computer OR prevents a program on the computer from accessing the Internet
What does Anitvirus software do?
it searches for files that cause harm and tries to fix them by erasing or disabling the commands
What is the unauthorized use of or damage to a computer or computer files called?
Security Threat
What is the act of defrauding an account holder by sending emails to try to gain access to financial information?
What is a device that controls traffic between network components?
What is software used to track a computer user's internet usage?
What is electronic communication that users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content?
Social Media
What is a small portable device used to talk, text, check email, browse the internet, etc.?
Cell Phone, Smartphone
What is the best way to find out if something is true?
Research the information
What is a sign that content is biased?
The author of the content makes money in a connected area.
What makes a good password?
A mix of letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols that you can remember.
Checking social media a lot is connected to more happiness is a false statement about what?
How much time is spend online
What are some issues that can occur when you spend a lot of time online?
It can hurt friendships, grades, mental health, etc.
What is a digital footprint?
someone's online activity that can be traced back to them
Why are people meaner online than in person?
They can stay anonymous.
Why is it important to disregard Internet hoaxes, chain emails, and constant messaging?
It can contain harmful viruses and could clog up your email
What are the first two emoticons used on the Internet?
smiley face and frowny face
What are two examples of Security Threats?
Virus, Spoofed site, phishing, shoulder surfing, pharming, malware, spyware
What is a redirect from a legitimate site that sends a customer to a criminal's spoofed site?
What is a spoofed site?
a website set up to look like another website (fake site)
What are ways your identity can be stolen?
dumpster diving, shoulder surfing, wallet is stolen, through business records, spoofing, phishing, con game (phone calls)
What is identity theft?
when someone takes your personal information and pretends to be you
What is tricky about online communication?
Lack of emotional details and tone so it leads to misunderstandings.
Why is it not a good idea to keep all your credit cards in your wallet or purse?
Because it can get stolen.
What is the best practice for your PINs for credit or debit cards?
To memorize them.
What do you do if you are a victim of identity theft? (There are five.)
Contact FTC, notify the 3 credit bureaus, file police report, contact creditors, make complaints in writing
What is common knowledge?
Information that everybody already knows that you do not need to cite, example is George Washington's birthday.
Name two ways to prevent identity theft. (There were eight.)
Educate, Check credit report, Check monthly statements, Don't give out info, Secure websites, Strong Passwords, Shred Mail, Firewall
What is the fastest growing crime in America?
Identity Theft