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Transport - vocabulary exercises

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We always go to town on foot.
Do you walk to the beach?
On Mondays, Harry goes to school by tram.
Michelle never cycles to school.
My brother gives me a lift to the underground station.
Dad sometimes goes to work by car.
We're going now, everyone. Get ____ the car. (down, in, off, on, out)
Get in the car.
Slow _____ ! You're going too fast! (down, in, off, on, out)
Slow down!
Buy a ticket from the driver when you get _____ the bus. (down, in, off, on, out)
Buy a ticket from the driver when you get on the bus.
The tram stopped and everybody got ______. (down, in, off, on, out)
The tram stopped and everybody got off.
The driver got _____ of his lorry and went into the café. (down, in, off, on, out)
The driver got out of his lorry and went to the café.
Our plane took ____ at 10.00 and arrived two hours later. (down, in, off, on, out)
Our plane took off at 10.00...
Sorry we're late. The cat broke ______ on the way here. (down, in, off, on, out)
The car broke down on the way here.
Mum took the tram to town. (by tram)
Mum went to town by tram.
I sometimes walk to school.
I sometimes go to school on foot.
Sam gave me a lift to the station. (drove)
Sam drove me to the station.
Do you cycle to school? (bike)
Do you go to school by bike?
Wendy went to the airport by taxi. (took)
Amy took a taxi to the airport.
Say the sentence, use the word in the brackets. We drove to London. (by car)
We went to London by car.