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Mega Deck STAAR Facts 8th Grade Social Studies

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What invention - encouraged settlement of the West, opened new markets to sell goods to, price of products decreased, Irish and Chinese immigrants built i
Transcontinental Railroad
Who was 1st African American U.S. Senator
Hiram Rhodes Revels
What amendment said African American males were allowed to vote
15th Amendment
What amendment granted citizenship to African Americans, all Americans were to be treated equally under the law
14th Amendment
What amendment – abolished slavery, African Americans were free to move wherever they wanted
13th Amendment
What was the Freedmen's Bureau?
worked to help freedmen. provided 1) education, 2) clothing/food, and 3) jobs
What were Black Codes
laws that limited the new freedom of freedmen
Who took control after Lincoln’s death, punished Confederate leaders and southerners for Civil War
Radical Republicans
What was after the Civil War the process of Southern states being brought back into the Union, South was in financial ruin
Which era is characterized by the Union rebuilding after the Civil War?
Where in Virginia did the Confederacy surrender to the Union, ending the Civil War?
Appomatox Courthouse
Why is the Battle of Vicksburg significant?
Union captured Mississippi River dividing the Confederacy in half
What document signed by Lincoln freed the slaves in the Confederacy?
The Emancipation Proclamation
What was the main advantage of the Union before the Civil War?
More factories meant more weapons
Which era is characterized by the North and South fighting over Slavery?
Civil War Era
Which court case ruled slaves were property and not citizens, later 14th Amendment gave citizenship to all African Americans
Dred Scott v. Sandford
What was the Kansas Nebraska Act?
agreement that attempted to solve slavery issue, violence erupted as a result of law
What was the Fugitive Slave Law?
a part of the Compromise of 1850, runaway slaves were to be captured and returned to the South
What was the Compromise of 1850?
- North and South agree, California becomes a free state but a strict Fugitive Slave Law is passed
Describe the Western Economy
- mining (gold) and agriculture (farming)
Describe the Southern Economy
plantation system, slave labor, cotton produced and sent to the Northern factories
Describe the Northern Economy
- textile mills, trade, factories, immigrants
What term means geography caused country to develop differences; Northerners build factories, Southerners farmed, Westerners mined; and contributed to Civil War
What era is characterized by regions of the United States arguing over slavery?
Which movement was characterized by Seneca Falls Convention called for women’s suffrage; Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Women's Rights Movement
What was the goal of Transcendentalism and who founded it?
ideal societies, Ralph Waldo Emerson
What is Abolition and who were 2 important abolitionists?
people who worked to end slavery, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Frederick Douglas
Which reform movement movement to get Americans to drink less or no alcohol, women involved in this
Temperance Movement
What was the movement to encourage people to be more religious, caused social reform leading to Reform Era
Second Great Awakening
Which Era is Characterized by Americans improving society?
The Reform Era
What event was characterized by - population increase ; Chinese immigrants came to The U.S. during the Gold Rush, worked on Transcontinental RxR
California Gold Rush
What was the Mexican Cession?
- land U.S. acquired after U.S.-Mexican War as stated in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
What war was caused by the annexation of Texas?
The Mexican American war
Which territory got from Britain in a treaty, U.S. achieved goal of Manifest Destiny (owning land coast to coast)
Oregon Territory
Which era is characterized by America Acquiring more land?
Westward Expansion
Why did the Irish immigrate to the United States and why were they discriminated against?
The Irish moved to the U.S. because of the Potato famine and they were blamed for taking away jobs
What term is described by people move from rural farm areas to cities to work in factories, city populations explode
What invention was used to communicate rapidly over long distances
The telegraph
What two inventions - resulted in faster and more efficient transportation of goods, the prices of goods decreased
Steamboats and Railroads
What is a canal and what are some effects of them?
man-made rivers, transportation of goods became faster, prices of goods drop, and cities grew
Where were many women employed during the Industrial Revolution?
girls first got job outside their homes in textile mills
What economy is driven by profit and competition
Free Enterprise
What invention was more efficient way to make things, led to mass production, resulted in prices decreasing
Interchangeable Parts
Which invention resulted in people planting more cotton and more slaves in America?
The Cotton Gin
What were the effects of the War of 1812?
U.S. manufacturing increased
What Era was characterized by America building factories
Industrial Revolution
Which policy is described here: U.S. desire to own land from coast to coast, James K. Polk, causes: 1) land = wealth 2) population boom
Manifest Destiny
What artistic movement had artists paint landscapes and nature?
The Hudson River School
What court case is this? Cherokee sue to keep land, Court favors Native Americans, Jackson and state ignore Supreme Court and force Natives to move to Indian Territory anyway
Worcester v. Georgia
What national issue was a problem over if the state of South Carolina had the right to nullify (overturn) a federal law, argument over states’ rights vs. federal rights
Nullification Crisis
What policy saw the creation of Democratic Party, voting increases
Jacksonian Democracy
What era saw a president increase the power of the federal government?
Age of Jackson
What policy was - issued by James Monroe, prevented European colonization of land in the Western Hemisphere
Monroe Doctrine
What caused the War of 1812?
British impressment of U.S. sailors
What Supreme Court case established judicial review which gave the Supreme Court the power to declare a law unconstitutional?
Marbury v. Madison
What law - John Adams (2nd President), angered many Americans, violated freedom of speech
Alien and Sedition Act
What party wasled by Thomas Jefferson; wanted 1) less federal gov’t, 2) agricultural economy, 3) no federal bank
Democratic Republican Party
What party was - led by Alexander Hamilton; wanted 1) more federal govt. power, 2) industrial economy, 3) federal bank
Federalist Party
What did Washington warn against in his Farewell Address?
The creation of political parties, permanent alliances,
What was - protest over federal whiskey tax, Washington used domestic force to stop rebellion
Whiskey Rebellion
What are the four parts of Hamilton's Financial Play?
- 1) establish National Bank, 2) pay off war debt, 3) pass whiskey tax, and 4) protective tariff
What era is America under the first five presidents?
Early Republic
What amendment divides power between the states and the national government and is the principle of federalism?
10th amendment
What amendment protects you from cruel and unusual punishment?
Eighth amendment
What amendment guarantees trial by jury?
Sixth amendment
What amendment protects you from unreasonable search and seizure?
4th Amendment
What freedoms are guaranteed in the first amendment?
- freedom of religion (church/mosque), freedom of speech (criticize), freedom of press (media), freedom of assembly (peaceful protest), freedom to petition
What are the responsibilities of citizens?
citizens must serve on juries to determine verdict, vote in election
- What principle of the Constitution sayseach branch of government has some power over the other two branches, helps to prevent anyone branch from becoming too powerful
Checks and Balances
What group of people were - against Constitution, believed it needed a bill of rights, Patrick Henry and George Mason
What group of people supported Constitution, believed it created a more stable Union, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison?
What was the agreement over how slaves would count for representation and taxation purposes
The Three-Fifths Compromise
What agreement decided how many representatives large and small states could send to Congress?
The Great Compromise
What law established a way for new territories to be admitted into the Union and allowed territories to govern themselves?
Northwest Ordinance
What was the first government of the United States, where Congress could negotiate treaties and declare war, with no executive branch?
The Articles of Confederation
Which era is characterized by people making a government for the new country?
The Constitution Era
What was the last major battle of the American Revolution which resulted in Britain signing the Treaty of Paris
Battle of Yorktown
What was the turning point of the American Revolution when France joined with the Patriots?
The Battle of Saratoga
What are unalienable rights?
Rights that all people have from birth, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
How did the Colonists respond to the Intolerable Acts?
By sending a list of greivances to King George III from the First Continental Congress
What was the British response to the Boston Tea Party that increased tension between the British and the Colonists?
The Intolerable Acts
What is the belief that the British should have permission to tax the colonists and was the main reason for the American Revolution?
The consent of the governed
What law forbid colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains?
The Proclamation of 1763
Which era is characterized by people making their own country?
The American Revolution Era
Which economic system is characterized by the British controlling trade, which angered the colonists?
Which colonial document is an example of a social contract?
The Mayflower Compact
The Mayflower Compact, The Virginia House of Burgesses and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut are examples of
Colonial Representative Government
Why did Representative Government develop in the 13 colonies?
Distance from Great Britain
What colony was established for Catholics to live in peacefully
Who was the first anti-slavery group that settled in Pennsylvania?
Describe the Southern Colonies economy-
plantations, cash crops, transatlantic slave trade, fertile soil led to different economy than the north
What colony was founded by Roger Williams for Religious Toleration?
Rhode Island
Describe the New England Economy?
Fishing, shipbuilding, lumbering, harbors
Which era is characterized by people making homes in the New World?
Which country claimed land in the New World to profit from fur trading?
Which country claimed Florida, Texas and California and built missions?
What were the reasons for exploration?
wealth, religion, expand empires, claim territory
Which Era is characterized by Europeans discovering a new world?
The Exploration Era