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Spain in the 20th and 21st Centuries

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was the cause of the war in Morocco?
Spain colonized an area in northern Morocco and the Moroccan population did not want Spain controlling their land.
What conflicts happened during the reign of Alfonso XIII?
La semana tragica, general strike of 1917, war in Morocco
When did Primo de Rivera establish a dictatorship?
What is censorship?
When certain media like books, and films songs are banned.
Name three social transformations that Spain has experienced in recent years.
technology, transportation, multiculturalism, internet, etc
What two political parties have been most popular in Spain since 1982?
Partido Socialista (PSOE) and Partido Popular (PP)
Who was appointed prime minister after Franco's dictatorship ended?
Adolfo Suarez
Name two principles that the Constitution of 1978 established.
Spain as a democracy, sovereignty, parliamentary monarchy, fundamental rights, autonomous communities
What ended Franco's dictatorship?
Franco died in 1975
During what years was Franco the dictator of Spain?
How long did the Spanish Civil War last?
Three years.
What were negative consequences during the Spanish Civil War?
food shortage, people were killed and wounded, people had to escape, homes were destroyed
What were the two divided areas during the Spanish Civil war?
Republican and Nationalist
What were three changes that happened because of the new constitution of the Second Spanish Republic?
Universal suffrage, separation of church and state, creation of autonomous regions
What is a dictatorship?
One person has all of the power in the government.
Why was there a popular revolt during La Semana Tragica?
Poor people were recruited to go to war in Morocco and the upper class paid their way out of fighitng.