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Classification of desserts
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Dry ice can give you ________.
cryogenic burns
A carbon dioxide in solid form
dry ice
With whipped cream, beaten egg whites or both are folded to give lightness and allow to be still frozen in an ordinary freezer.
Frozen Soufflés and Frozen Mousses
It was made from fruit juices, water and sugar.
Sherbet and Ices
It is a smooth frozen mixture of milk, cream, sugar, flavorings and sometimes eggs.
ice cream
They have a depth of two or three inches and are topped with biscuit dough rather than being made with pie crust. What are these?
Fruit Cobblers
What are the three (3) types of pudding?
Cornstarch pudding/blancmange, Rice pudding, and Bread pudding
It is a creamy, delicate, baked may be served in their baking cups or may be unmolded and served with fruit garnishes or with dessert sauces.
What are the three general types of cheese based on consistency?
Soft, Semi-hard, and hard
It is made in all parts of the world from a variety of milks from cow, goat and sheep.
What are the three (3) characteristics of good fruit desserts?
appetizing aroma, simple, andslightly chilled
The simplest dessert and one of the best because they are nutritious, appetizing, and easy to prepare and serve.