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Superminds 5 Unit 6,7&8

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where were the children hiding on the boat?
The lifeboat
What is the name of the boat where all the sailors disappeared?
Mary Celeste
Where can you find this flag?
In Turkey
Which country does this flag belong to?
This flag belongs to which country?
What country has this flag?
He ________ been to China in a long time. ( 's / hasn't )
I _______ done my math homework yet. ( 've / haven't )
My uncle _______ already been to South America. ( 's / hasn't )
Who are the people who work on the ship?
What animal looks like a very big mouse?
The room on the boat where you can lay down or relax.
The small circle window on a boat.
The little boat on the ship used for emergencies.
The big boss on the ship.
The Captain
The big pole that holds the sails.
What is the piece of cloth that catches wind to move the boat called?
A sail
a person who can make programs on the computer.
computer programmer
A person who fixes cars or machines.
Someone who grows vegetables.
A farmer
A doctor that fixes your teeth.
A dentist
A person who cleans a museum or an office building?
a cleaner
What did Phoebe think Shakespeare should do with the play?
Change the ending
Who tripped the two men coming after Shakespeare?
What did the audience do when they didn't like Shakespeare's play?
They threw eggs and vegetables onto the stage.
If you get a good score on the test, _____ buy you ice cream.
I'll or I will
A set of clothes that is used to look like something else or someone else.
a costume
Fake hair worn on the head.
a wig
A person who performs on stage or on TV.
an actor
People use them to hide their face.
a mask
A thing made of wax that can be used to light a room.
The people that go to watch a show are called the what?
The audience
What is one of the places the boys visited while looking for Phoebe?
Blue Mosque, Bosphorus Bridge, The spice market
Who did Alex and Patrick meet in Istanbul?
What was the name of the city the kids were, in Turkey?
You ________ always brush your teeth before going to bed.
You _________ talk at the dinner table with food in your mouth.
You should always _______ your hands before eating.
You should _________ comfortable shoes when hiking.
The soft part of the sofa that we sit on.
We put food on it.
People wear these things on their ears.
What country does this Flag belong to?