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Earth Day Facts

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Earth Day reminds us to go _______ and reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Earth Day always falls on  __________.
April 22
The first Earth Day was held in ________.
If an earthquake occurs from under the sea it can cause a ___________.
_________ is the hot liquid rock under the surface of the Earth. When it comes out of a volcano it is know as _______.
magma        lava
80% of all life on Earth lives in the ___________.
Earth is referred to as the _______ planet because it looks this color from outer space.
It takes ____ minutes for the energy from the sun to reach Earth.
_________ is 93 million miles away from the sun.
Earth is the ______  planet from the sun.
Earth is approximately 70% water. Of that, 97% is _______ water and remaining is ______  water.
salt     fresh
The __________  is the largest desert on Earth, covering approximately 1/3 of Africa.
Sahara Desert
The ________ rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest on Earth.
The lowest point on Earth is the ___________ measuring 1,302 feet below sea level.
Dead Sea
__________ is the highest mountain on Earth. It’s peak measures 29,029 feet above sea level.
Mount Everest
The _________ is the longest river on Earth. It measures 4,160 miles in length.
Nile (or Amazon?)