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IE 5.5 Reading Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are two possible ways of doing the matching headings type?
1. Read and summarise each paragraph => Find the heading that matches your summary. 2. Underline the KW in the headings => Find paraphrases of the KW in text
If you are matching sentence endings, once you've found the answer, you need to reread the sentence to make sure...
that the sentence makes sense grammatically
For True/False/NG, what is the difference between False and Not Given?
False means the opposite idea is paraphrased and stated in the passage. Not given is for anything that is not mentioned in the passage.
For short answer questions, what can you do before you read and find the answer?
Predict the answers (parts of speech, name, number, place, etc...)
What is the first thing you have to do for all IELTS reading tasks?
Read the instruction carefully.
What is the difference between a main idea and a detail?
A main idea is repeated a lot and supported by many details. A detail stands by its own and is not supported by anything.
Define Skimming and Scanning.
Skimming: Reading quickly to find the main ideas. Scanning: Reading quickly to find the details.
What do you often have to underline in the questions?
Key words
What reading technique that you need to use for each of these reading tasks: Short-answer questions, matching headings, matching sentence endings, and True/False/NG.
Short answer questions: Scanning/ Matching headings: Skimming/ Matching sentence endings: Scanning/ TFNG: Scanning
What are two reading techniques that you need to master to do the IELTS reading test well?
Skimming and Scanning.
What is its name? You have to answer the questions with only a couple of words.
Short-answer questions
What is its name? You have to match the main ideas with the corresponding paragraphs.
Matching headings.
What is its name? You have to choose whether the statement is true, false or not given.
True/False/Not given
What is its name? You have to match the second halves of sentences with their first halves.
Matching sentence endings.
What is its name? You have to pick one or several answers from the given options.
Multiple choice questions