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Time-related idioms

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What does the idiom "A race against time" mean? A) To work quickly and efficiently B) To try to finish something before a deadline or before something bad happens C) To take your time and work at a slow pace
B) To try to finish something before a deadline or before something bad happens
What does the idiom "The time is ripe" mean? A) The ideal time has arrived for something to happen or be done B) The time has passed C) The time is not right
A) The ideal time has arrived for something to happen or be done
What does the idiom "Ahead of time" mean? A) At the last possible moment B) In advance or earlier than expected C) On time
B) In advance or earlier than expected
What does the idiom "Behind the times" mean? A) Up-to-date with current trends or technology B) Outdated or not up-to-date with current trends or technology C) Timeless and classic
B) Outdated or not up-to-date with current trends or technology
What does the idiom "Crunch time" mean? A) A time of relaxation and celebration B) A time when little effort is needed C) A period of time when a lot of effort is needed to meet a deadline or complete a task
C) A period of time when a lot of effort is needed to meet a deadline or complete a task
What does the idiom "Time is of the essence" mean? A) Time is important and should not be wasted B) Time is unlimited C) Time is not a factor
A) Time is important and should not be wasted
What does the idiom "In the nick of time" mean? A) At the last possible moment B) Ahead of schedule C) Plenty of time to spare
A) At the last possible moment
What does the idiom "Time flies" mean? A) Time passes quickly B) Time moves slowly C) Time stands still
A) Time passes quickly
What does the idiom "Kill time" mean? A) To do something to pass the time while waiting for something else to happen B) To waste time C) To finish a task before the deadline
A) To do something to pass the time while waiting for something else to happen
What does the idiom "Beat the clock" mean? A) To kill time B) To do something before time runs out C) To work hard to meet a deadline
B) To do something before time runs out