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Food and Opinions Consolidation 8A4

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Nous allons boire de l'eau
We are going to drink some water
Je voudrais manger des pâtes
I would like to eat some pasta
Je ne voudrais pas boire du lait
I wouldn't like to drink some milk
Je voudrais manger du porc
I would like to eat some pork
D'habitude je bois du chocolat chaud car c'est vraiment sucré
Usually I drink hot chocolate because it's really sweet
Je déteste manger des chips car c'est malsain
I hate to eat crisps because it's unhealthy
J'adore manger du chocolat mais c'est mauvaise pour la santé
I love to eat some chocolate but it's bad for your health
D'habitude je mange du jambon mais c'est très salé
Usually I eat some ham but it's very salty
Je prends des carottes car c'est savoureux
I have some carrots because it's tasty
Je bois de l'eau car c'est délicieux
I drink some water because it's delicious
Je mange du chou car c'est sain
I eat some cabbage because it's healthy
Je mange des framboises car c'est bon pour la santé
I eat some raspberries because it's good for your health
La semaine prochaine je vais prendre de la viande
Next week I am going to have some meat
La semaine prochaine je vais boire du chocolat chaud
Next week I am going to drink hot chocolate
Le weekend prochain je vais manger des raisins
Next weekend I am going to eat some grapes
Le weekend prochain je vais manger des pommes
Next weekend I am going to eat some apples
Demain je vais prendre du thon
Tomorrow I am going to have some tuna
Demain je vais manger du poulet
Tomorrow I am going to eat some chicken
Demain je vais boire de l'eau
Tomorrow I am going to drink some water
Demain je vais manger du porc
Tomorrow I am going to eat some pork