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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What Asimo can do?
It can walk, move its hands, "speak" in sign language, give information, climb stairs
What Pepper can do?
Pepper can entertain people, walk, give information, play with family, surf on the internet
Can Robohon entertain people?
Yes, it can
Can Moley jump?
No, it can't jump
Can Sophia give information to people?
Yes, It can
Does it have a face?
Yes, It has.
Does it have ears?
No, it doens't have
Does it have legs?
Yes, it has legs
Does it have legs?
No, it doesn't have
What is it made of?
It is made of cardboard
What is it made of?
It is made of glass
What is it made of?
It is made of metal
What is it made of?
It is made of iron
What is it made of?
It is made of recycled material
What is it made of?
It is made of wood
What is it made of?
It is made of plastic