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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This unthinkables makes us say mean things to others
Mean Jean
This unthinkable makes people worry or feel nervous.
Worry Wall
This unthinkable makes us talk about only what we are interested in.
One-Sided Sid
This unthinkable makes people have too much energy and make them fidget and move around.
Energy Hare-y
This unthinkable makes us use humor at the wrong time and makes us silly.
This unthinkable makes you change the topic and go on and on about it.
Topic Twistermeister
This unthinkable makes people think the worst and assume everyone is unkind.
Grump Grumpaininy
This unthinkable makes people have huge reactions. They make people think things are unfair.
This unthinkable makes the person's invade others personal space.
Space Invader
This unthinkable stops people from showing interest in others.
This unthinkable makes people over-competitive.
D.O.F The Destroyer of Fun
This unthinkable gets you to wander away from others.
Body Snatcher
This unthinkable makes people easily distracted.
This unthinkable may be very rule bound and rigid in his thinking.
Rock Brain