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The Streisand Effect

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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10. With which statement would the author most likely AGREE?
b) Streisand LOST in court and FAILED to protect her privacy.
9. What lesson can readers learn from this text?
c) Ignoring something unpleasant may be the best way to make it go away.
8. Which event happened LAST?
d) Barbara Streisand paid the Adelman's' legal fees
7. Which best defines the Streisand effect?
c) Trying to suppress information may draw attention to it.
6. Which best explains why the author included the fifth paragraph and chose this style?
b) He wants readers to imagine how the Streisand effect works in their lives.
5. With which statement would the author most likely DISAGREE?
a) Suing people is a good way to hide information from the Internet.
4. What effect did Streisand's lawsuit have on the viewership of "Image 3850"?
b) Many more people viewed "Image 3850"
3. How did the Adelmans respond to Streisand's demands to remove "Image 3805"?
D. They sued Barbara Streisand.
2. Which best describes the author's purpose in the second paragraph?
C. He is explaining the background of the lawsuit.
1. Why did the Adelmans post a photo of Streisand's house on the internet?
D. They were documenting coastal erosion.