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Facts About Landforms

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What is Plains?
Plains are landforms that are flat and broad.
What are Mesas made of?
Mesas are formed by erosion and weathering
What is Mesas?
They are known as table mountains.
When delta created?
They are created when sand, silt, and rock accumulate.
What shape is the delta?
They are triangle-shaped.
Where delta can be found?
Deltas can be found at the mouths of rivers.
What is delta?
A delta is another landform created by water.
How are they different between valley and hills?
Canyons are more narrow and surrounded by steep sides. Valleys are situated between hills or mountains.
What else is similar in shape to the landform?
Valleys and canyons
What are Landforms made of?
some kind of a force of nature.
A landform might be as
large as a continent or as small as a pond.