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Geometry Riddles

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is this polygon Regular or Irregular?
What kind of triangle is this?
Right Triangle
What kind of triangle is this?
What kind of a triangle is this?
I am two lines that will never touch. Who am I?
parallel lines
I am two lines that cross at a vertex and make a 90 degree angle. Who am I?
perpendicular lines
I am an angle that measures greater than 90 degrees. Who am I?
obtuse angle
I am an angle that measures less than 90 degrees. Who am I?
acute angle
I am an angle that makes a perfect corner. I measure 90 degrees. Who am I?
right angle
I am the point where two lines meet. Who am I?
I am a part of a line with two end points. Who am I?
line segment
I have eight sides and eight angles. Who am I?
I am a quadrilateral with only ONE set of parallel lines. Who am I?
I am a parallelogram with four right angles. My sides are NOT all the same length. Who am I?
I have four sides that are all the same length, but NO right angles. Who am I?
I am a quadrilateral. All my sides are the same length. I have all right angles. Who am I?
I am any quadrilateral with two sets of parallel sides. Who am I?
I have 5 sides and 5 angles. Who am I?
I have six sides and six angles. Who am I?
If you count my sides, you will find three. Who could I be?
I am any closed shape with 3 or more sides. Who am I?
I am any closed shape with four sides and four angles. Who am I?