Edit Game
1st year review

Use commas to add multiple tags

 Private  Unlisted  Public

Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ____ (not have) swimming lessons ____ Thursday.
don't - on
There ___ __ lamp _______ the sofa
is a - next to / near
There ____ five books ___ the bin
are - in
My school ______ (start) ___ 8 AM
starts - at
My friend _____ (not go) to the beach ____ December.
doesn't go - in
_____ they play card games in the morning? No, ____ _____
Do - they don't
_____ she do her homweork in the evening? Yes, ____ _____
Does - she does
_____ we go to school on Sundays? No, __ _____
Do - we don't
Paula ______ (study) ___ the afternoon-
studies - in
I ______ (not play) computer games ____ Monday
don't - on
We _____ got three birthday parties ____ August
have - in
Ana and Martin _____ (get up) ____ 7.00AM
get up - at
Adam ______(go) to the cinema ____ Saturday
goes - on
______ your teacher got a laptop in the classroom? Yes ___________
Has - has
(+) We _______ got a garage
(-) My house ______ got a balcony.
(-) My house ______ got a balcony.
_____ she got two sisters? Yes, _______
Has - she has
____ you got a garden? No, __________
Have - I haven't
How many chairs are there?
There are four chairs
-___ there a TV in the living room? - ________________
Is - No, there isn't
How old is Mary? She _____ 12 years old
The cat is ____ the table and the dog is _____ the table
on - under
Monday, ________ , Wednesday, Thursday, ________, ________, _______
Tuesday - Friday - Saturday and Sunday
______ you like volleyball? Yes, I ____
Do - do