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B1 Complete Prelim Unit 9 - unit 12

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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complete - make negative with a prefix
possible - make negative with a prefix
friendly - make negative with a prefix
Indirect question: Where is the bank?
Could you please explain where the bank is? or similar
Indirect question: What is your name?
Would you mind telling me what your name is? (or similar)
I (write) 100 words of a story when I noticed it was the wrong question (past perfect)
had written
Noun form of explore
Noun form of invite
Noun form of pollute
Noun form of celebrate
Noun form of entertain
What is the difference between a 'dish' and a 'plate'
dish - food like patatas bravas, plate - thing you eat off
name 2 sports that you 'play'
football, volleyball, cricket, basketball
name 2 sports that you 'go'
swimming, running, climbing, cycling
Name 2 sports that you 'do'
athletics, karate, gymnastics
negative (prefix) possible
negative (with a prefix) of friendly
______ a joke, the truth, a story
_______ hello, good night, goodbye
How many languages can you _______
Put into reported speech. "I am walking home now"
She said she was walking home then.
Put into reported speech. "Do you like pineapple?"
He asked if/whether I liked pineapple
Put into reported speech. Gill asked Pablo "Where is your school?"
Gill asked Pablo where his school was.
Put into reported speech. "Stop working!"
He shouted to stop working
Put into reported speech. He shouted "Don't run in the classroom"
He shouted not to run in the classroom
Put into reported speech. She said "I love the summer"
She said (that) she loved the summer
What is a wolf?
Animal, like a dog, lobo
What is the superlative adverb of badly
the worst
What does waste mean?
don't use something carefully, desperdiciar, desaprovechar, desgastar
Alvaro gets up ______ _______ his brother (early, comparative)
earlier than
Can you sing _______ _______Pablo? (well, comparative
better than
Who can run _______ (fast, superlative), Alba or Beatriz?
the fastest
Macbeth _____ ________ by Shakespeare
was written
Rice ____ ________ in China (grow)
is grown
Kids _______ __________ to use phones in class (not allow)
aren't allowed
English ___ ________ at Hopscotch Academy (teach)
is taught
Wolves _____ ________ in Spain occasionally (see) - passive
are seen
The passive takes the verb _____ and the past ______
to be, participle
What is the noun form of celebrate
What is the noun form of inform
What is the noun form of improve
What is the noun form of entertain
What is a desert?
a dry hot place, sandy
What is a dessert?
a pudding, something sweet, after a meal, postre
T/F Camels carry water in a hump on their backs
false (it's fat)
What is an ostrich
a large bird, avestruz
When did you last have your eyes checked?
I had my eyes checked 6 months ago...or similar
What can you buy in a baker's
bread, cakes
What is a dry cleaner's
a place where they clean delicate clothes
My bedroom is now green, I ______ it ____ last week
had it painted
My mum is out right now, she ____ _______ her hair ______
is having her hair cut
Madrid _____ Barcelona 2 - 0 in the match
Which is your favourite meal?
breakfast, lunch, dinner
Give an example of a dish
salmorejo, lasagna
What do you call a person who makes food in a restuarant?
a chef
What types of food are pulses
lentils, chickpeas, beans
Martina wanted to (go, play, do) swimming in her neighbour's pool
Lucia hit the ball over the ____ and scored a point, when playing volleyball
Javi saw the footballers run onto the ________ at the start of the match
Celia (past perfect of go) to play tennis when Marta phoned her
had gone
Africa likes (going, playing, doing, practising) volleyball
Alvaro had (dolor en el estómago) so he went to the doctor
stomach ache (MUST pronounce correctly)
Elsa fell and hurt her chin. She has a small (cicatriz) there now
Cristina ______ already _____ (past perfect go) to bed when her sister got home
had already gone
Carmen received new clothes ________ it was her birthday
Lucia loves her school, ________ she learns a lot of interesting things
Ana played basketball for 2 hours. Ana drank some water. JOIN with PAST PERFECT
Ana had played basketball for 2 hours when she drank some water
Silvia ________ never _______ (Past perfect, speak) to a native English speaker before she met Gill
had never spoken
Luis did not do well in the history test because he ________ (study) PAST PERFECT
had not studied
(past perfect) Pedro _______ (eat) his lunch before he arrived home from school
had eaten
_______ the class started, Raul had still not arrived
Hugo has brown hair. He loves English. JOIN
Hugo, whose hair is brown, loves English
Robert is in Gill's class. He is intelligent. JOIN
Robert, who is in Gill's class, is intelligent
Gill, _________ students are lovely, has been a teacher for many years
That's the park _________ I learnt to ride a bike.
We all went to the match except Angela, _____ doesn't like football.
On our last holiday we visited Stratford-upon-Avon, ______ Shakespeare was born.
Look! That's the woman ______ dog bit me last week.
The Mona Lisa, _____ has been damaged several times, is now displayed behind glass.
My computer is a lot faster than the one _____ I used to have.
which, that
David Bowie, _____ songs inspired us for nearly 50 years, died in 2016.
The woman ____ lived here before us was a writer.
who, that
The sandwich _______ you made me for lunch was delicious.
which, that
Downing Street, _______ the British Prime Minister lives, is in central London.
Rob and Corinna, _______ have twins, often need a babysitter.