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The Oscars

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How much did tickets for the Oscars use to cost?
10 dollars
When was the Oscar night first televised and broadcast?
It was first televised and broadcast in 1953.
Where are the winners´names placed?
They are placed in enveleopes.
What is the name of the theatre where the Oscars are presented?
Kodak Theatre
Are tickets sold to the general public now?
No, they aren´t.
How many awards are presented today?
Two dozen Oscars are presented.
How many awards were presented in 1929?
In 1929, 15 awards were presented.
How many nominees are chosen in each category?
One nominee is chosen.
Where are the Oscars presented?
They are presented in Hollywood.
What is the purpose of the Academy Awards?
To recognize outstanding work of people in the movie making industry.
How often are the Academy Awards given out?
They are given out every year