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At the doctors

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can Lauren take part in the marathon this year?
A) no B) yes C) yes but with some limits recommended by the doctor
What did the doctor tell her to wear?
A) flip flops B) light boots C) sneakers
Lauren's sprained her ankle and ... a muscle in her leg
A) cut B) hurt C) pulled
What happens when she walks?
A) it tickles B) it hurts C) nothing
Why was Lauren running in the park?
A) to join her friend, Charlie B) she was running a marathon C) she was training for a marathon
The doctor says "You mustn't do ..."
any training for the next 72 hours
The doctor says "You should walk..."
around the house
The doctor says "You must take one tablet ..."
3 times a day after each meal
Lauren will have to ... the marathon
A) run slowly B) watch C) walk in
The doctor prescribes ...
A) painkillers B) antibiotics C) a cream
Lauren can't put ... on her foot.
A) a shoe B) any ice C) any weight
Lauren's got a ... and a pain in her leg.
A) sore ankle B) broken ankle C) sore arm
Luckily, Lauren fell on...
A) her back B) the grass C) the path