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Cambridge Complete Advanced unit 7

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"_____ the bank" = cost too much
BREAK the bank
"____ the purse _______" = to control when and how money is spent
HOLD the purse STRINGS
"_____ money like _____" = to regularly spend large amounts of money
SPEND money like WATER
"___ your (own) ___" = to pay for yourself rather than let someone else to pay
PAY your (own) WAY
"___ through the ____" = to pay too much money for something
PAY through the NOSE
Not using cheque or credit cards:
hard cash
five-finger discount
"Money doesn't ____ on _____" = money is limited
Money doesn't GROW on TREES
"___ your money where your _____ is" = to show by your actions and not just your words
PUT your money where your MOUTH is
Which idiom means to spend a lot of money on things that are not necessary?
have money to burn
modern day consumerism
money doesn't grow on trees
be laughing all the way to the bank
What does it mean to "make ends meet"?
to have just enough money to pay for the things you need
Name something that "costs a fortune"
*something very very expensive*
"Would you like to pay __ cash or __ card?"
in cash / by card
"____ a quick / fast buck" = to earn money quickly and easily, especially by doing something illegal or dishonest
"____ yourself" = to persuade people you're the right person for a job or situation
"I can ... you a pencil if you forgot yours at home"
"Can I ... a pencil? I forgot mine at home"
To receive money as payment for the work you do: ____
Which word has a similar meaning to "rent", but is for a short period of time?
If a group of people do something e_ m____, they do it together and at the same time.
en masse
A result that rewards you for your effort or work = p_____
Excited, usually positive, talk about something or someone. eg: "media ____"
A suffix used to mean showing the direction in which something is aimed = -o_______
What word means to access someone else’s computer system without permission in order to obtain or change information?
What does "forerunner" mean?
An early, often less advanced model of something:
by using = __ means __
by means of
as a substitute for = __ place __
in place of
representing = __ behalf __
on behalf of
in return for = __ exchange ___
in exchange for
in order to help = __ aid __
in aid of
on the subject of = ____ regard __
with regard to
fitting appropriately with = __ keeping ____
in keeping with
because of = __ account __
on account of