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Animal Farm

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who does Napoleon blame the collapsing windmill on?
Who is Benjamin?
Who is Napoleon's propogandist?
Who does Boxer represent?
The Proletariat
Give an example of the theme of power and control .
Give and example of the theme of propaganda in the book.
Why do the animals rebels against Jones?
How does the book end ?
With the animals realizing that the pigs are no different to their human oppresors
What is a fable ?
A type of story with animals as characters. It teaches the reader a lesson.
What is a communist society ?
A classless society where all property is owned publicly.
What is propaganda?
Biased or misleading information meant to make people adopt a certain point of view
What does allegory mean?
A story that has a hidden meaning
Name three themes from the book?
Who does Squealer represent?
Joseph Goebbels
What is Boxer's personal motto?
"I will work harder"
What happens to Boxer after he gets injured?
He gets sent to a slaughterhouse
Who does Mr. Jones represent?
Tsar Nicholas
Who does Napoleon represent?
Josef Stalin
What is the name of the pig in charge?
What is the farm called before it becomes animal farm?
Manor Farm