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What do they ask the children who want to join the mafia?
To kill someone
Translate the word 'werkloosheid'
Why is geography important for the gangs?
In the South: hideouts in the mountains, underneath the village, in Naples the small alleys
Give the name of 2 mafia gangs (originated in Italy).
Ndrangheta, Camorra and Cosa Nostra
What's the big difference between the old and new bosses? Give 2 arguments.
more violence, very young and reckless, boast with their clothes, champagne, looks...
Why do gangs recruit children? Give 2 arguments.
They are not held liable/responsible (no jail), they are ruthless, easy to manipulate...
How many gangs are active in Naples?
Translate the word 'steegje'.
Translate the word 'verstikking'
a building or area that is strongly defended