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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They could have broken the car.
The car could have been broken.
Governments spend a lot of money on weapons.
A lot of money is spent on weapons by governments.
I didin't go to the party because they didn't invite me.
I didn't go to the party because I wasn't invited.
Oscar Wilde wrote "The Picture of Dorian Gray" in 1890.
"The Picture of Dorian Gray" was written in 1890 by Oscar Wilde.
They have never entered the house before.
The house has never been entered before.
They won't take a decision until next meeting.
A decision won't be taken until next meeting.
You shouldn't send your children to a boarding school.
Your children shouldn't be sent to a boarding school.
Have they send the package yet?
Has the package been sent yet?
You mustn't waste your money on stupid things.
Your money mustn't be wasted on stupid things.
Tourists don't visit this museum very often.
This museum isn't visited very often.
When did they translate this book into English?
When was this book translated into English?
Where did they invent gun powder?
Where was gun powder invented?
People eat 40 million hamburgers every day.
40 million hamburgers are eaten every day.
They had invited him to the cinema.
He had been invited to the cinema.
They clean the windows every week.
The windows are cleaned every week.
The students are making arrangements for their graduation.
Arrangements are being made by students for their graduation.
The new manager has made some changes.
Some changes have been made by the new manager.
We are going to announce the results on Friday.
The results are going to be announced on Friday.
A guide will take you to your seat.
You will be taken to your seat by a guide.
A spokesman gave an interview to the reporters.
The reporters were given an interview by a spokesman.
Police officers were examining the evidence.
The evidence was being examined by police officers.
Heavy rain had caused the flood.
The flood had been caused by heavy rain.
A gardener is watering the flowers.
The flowers are being watered by a gardener.
The secretary opens the mail every morning.
The mail is opened by the secretary every morning.