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Fur Trappers

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What kinds of disease did settlers bring with them that decimated the Native Population?
Small pox, measles, influenza, malaria
Where did the Spaldings build their mission?
On the Clearwater River with the Nez Perce
Where did the Whitmans build their mission?
On the walla walla river with the Cayuse
What did Oregon settlers want to happen after the "Whitman Massacre"?
They demanded protection from the US army
What was different about Father Francis and Peter John de Smet?
Francis spent his time with the Canadians, Peter spent his time with the Native Americans
Why did Marcus and Narcissa agree to marry?
To go on missions
What type of disease led to an epidemic amongst the Cayuse?
What was so important about the Hudson Bay Company?
They controlled the fur trade in Canada and Oregon Country
What was the goal of Christian Missionaries?
To teach people how to read the bible and live like Christians
What countries were Christian Missionaries sent to?
China, Africa, America
Where could pioneers find information about Oregon Country?
From traders
What two animals were sought after for their furs?
Beavers and Otters
What types of items did fur trappers trade for?
glass beads, cooking pots, muskets
What two countries signed a treaty giving them co-ownership of Oregon Country?
U.S. and Britain
Who founded the first American trading post in the PNW?
John Jacob Astor
What was the first American trading post in the PNW?
Pacific Fur Company