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Nunavut and everything Nunavut

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True or False: In the summer, the sun is out for nearly 24 hours.
What does "Iqaluit" mean in inuktitut?
The Place of Many Fish
True or False: In the summer, the snow melts but the ground remains frozen.
Why are there no trees in Iqaluit?
Because it is too cold for them to grow
What is the most famous type of Inuit Art?
Soapstone Carving
Traditionally, is throat singing performed by two males or two females?
Two Females
True or False: Inuit's oral stories are based on made up experiences?
What do material do Inuit use to make their clothing?
What is the name of the famous Inuit legend?
The Owl and the Raven
What are boots called in Inuktitut?
Mukluks or Kamiks
How do the Inuit pass their knowledge to their children?
Oral Storytelling
What is the traditional language of Iqaluit?
What is some popular food the Inuit People eat?
Arctic Char, Caribou Stew and Whale Skin
What does the blue star on the Nunavut flag represent?
The North Star
What do the blue and yellow colors on Nunavut's flag represent?
They represent the land, sky and sea
What color is the Inukshuk on Nunavut's flag?
What did the Inuit use to build their tents?
Animal Hides
What are animal hides?
The skin of the animal
What is another name for Igloos?
Snow Houses
What animals did the Inuit hunt?
Caribou, Seals and Fish
What are the people who live in  Arctic called?