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Past Simple

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Freda ....... (not/ have) a match last Thursday.
didn't have
They ....... (make) their beds in the morning.
You ....... (clean) the apartment.
My firends ....... (be/not) at the party.
He ....... (be) happy.
Your uncle ....... (not/ take) a bus to work.
didn't take
My sister ....... (sleep) all night.
They ....... (cook) dinner after school.
She ........ (play) the guitar last night.
What is it?
police station
What is it?
train station
What is it?
shopping centre
What is it?
post office
What is it?
sports centre
What is it?
swimming pool
Translate: sprzedawca, artysta, szef kuchni
shop assistant, artist, chef
opiekować się bratem
look after your brother
wyrzucić śmieci
take out the rubbish
pozmywać naczynia
wash the dishes
wyprowadzić psa
walk the dog
robić zakupy
do the shopping
pościelić łóżko
make your bed
A: Is it OK if I use your tablet? B: v
Oh, all right./ Yes, that's fine.
A: Is it ok if I use your mobile? B: x
No, sorry, it isn't.
Mogę pożyczyć twoją książkę?
Can I borrow your book, please?
Kim i Fred nie zostali w domu wczoraj wieczorem.
Kim and Fred didn't stay at home last evening.
Oni wypili całą lemoniadę.
They drank all of the lemonade.
On zjadł czekoladowy tort.
He ate a chocolate cake.
Siostra Jarka nie spotkała się ze swoim bratem w zeszłym tygodniu.
Jarek's sister didn't meet her brotherlast week
Czy ty zbudowałeś to kino?
Did you build this cinema?
Moja ciocia odwiedziła muzeum wczoraj.
My aunt visited a museum yesterday.
Transform into question: My dogs were outside all day.
Were my dogs outside all day?
Transform into question: He was worried about his mate.
Was he worried about his friend?
Transform into question: Harry gave his friend a present.
Did Harry give his friend a present?
Transform into question: My sisters found a treasure.
Did my sisters find a treasure?
Transform into question: George bought a car.
Did George buy a car?
Transform into negative: She was mad at me.
She wasn't mad at me.
Transform into negative: We were at school.
We weren't at school.
Transform into negative: My friends went to the theatre last evening.
My friends didn't go to the theatre last evening.
Transform into negative: My mom sent me a letter.
My mom didn't send me a letter.
Transform into negative: They woke up at 7.30 yesterday.
They didn't wake up at 7.30 yesterday.
Transform into negative: Megan walked to the park last Saturday.
Megan didn't walk to the park last Saturday.
Transorm into negative: She understood the task.
She didn't understand the task.
Translate: policjant, pielęgniarka, rolnik.
police officer, nurse, farmer.
Mój kuzyn nie zapłacił za obiad w zeszły piątek.
My cousin didn't pay for dinner last Friday.