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ULS MS March 2023 Vocab

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(1.) Echo.    (2.) Vibration.     OR.   (3.) Sound.      
(1.) Echo. 
(1.) Light Wave.    (2.) Energy.    OR.   (3.) Color.    
(3.) Color.
(1.) Light Wave.    (2.) Bright.    OR.   (3.) Light.      
(2.) Bright. 
(1.) Energy.    (2.) Loud.    OR    (3.) Light.      
(1.) Energy.
(1.) Echo.    (2.) Sound.      OR    (3.) Light.      
(3.) Light. 
(1.) Sound Wave.    (2.) Light Wave.    OR    (3.) Energy.    
(2.) Light Wave.
(1.) Sound Wave.    (2.) Vibration.     OR    (3.) Color.    
(1.) Sound Wave. 
(1.) Loud.    (2.) Bright.    OR    (3.) Sound.       
(3.) Sound. 
(1.) Color.    (2.) Loud.    OR.    (3.) Sound Wave.    
(2.) Loud. 
(1.) Vibration.    (2.) Echo.    OR    (3.) Bright.    
(1.) Vibration. 
(1.) the power to do work.  ------OR------ (2.) a fast movement that goes back and forth. 
VIBRATION IS (2.) a fast movement that goes back and forth. 
(1.) an invisible wave caused by vibrations that move sound. ------OR------ (2.)  an invisible wave that moves light. 
SOUND WAVES ARE (1.) an invisible wave caused by vibrations that move sound. 
(1.) an invisible wave caused by vibrations that move sound.------OR------ (2.) a type of energy that lets us hear. 
SOUND IS (2.) a type of energy that lets us hear. 
(1.) making strong, noisy sound. ------OR------ (2.) giving off strong, shining light. 
LOUD MEANS (1.) making strong, noisy sound. 
(1.) a fast movement that goes back and forth. ------OR------ (2.) an invisible wave that moves light. 
LIGHT WAVES ARE (2.) an invisible wave that moves light. 
(1.) a type of energy that lets us see.  ------OR------ (2.) what you see when light bounces off different objects.
LIGHT IS (1.) a type of energy that lets us see. 
(1.)  a type of energy that lets us hear.  ------OR------ (2.) the power to do work.  
ENERGY IS (2.) the power to do work.  
(1.) a repeating sound you hear that is made by sound waves bouncing off an object. ------OR------ (2.) making strong, noisy sound. 
ECHO IS (1.) a repeating sound you hear that is made by sound waves bouncing off an object. 
(1.) a repeating sound you hear that is made by sound waves bouncing off an object. ------OR------ (2.) what you see when light bounces off different objects.
COLOR IS (2.) what you see when light bounces off different objects. 
(1.) giving off strong, shining light.    ------OR------ (2.) a type of energy that lets us see. 
BRIGHT MEANS (1.) giving off strong, shining light.Â