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Peak Review

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What did the climbers see on the way up to the summit? Name 3 things
dead bodies, abandoned camps and frozen ropes
What is the highest camp that Peak reached?
Sagamantha is the Nepalese name for?
Who are the 2 peas?
Patrice and Paula
Who is the prominent father figure in Peak's life?
Why was Captain Shek looking for Sun Jo?
He was a Neaplese and in China illegally.
Who was the head of the "police" on the mountain and is checking the climbers' documents?
Captain Shek
Who was the reporter who camped on the mountain with them and attempted the climb?
Between Peak and Sun Jo, who enjoyed the spotlight more?
Sun Jo
How would you describe Josh?
Why did Josh feel like he owed Zopa and Sun Jo?
Sun Jo's father died while saving Josh's life?
What is the highest level of the mountain.
The Summit
Why did the climbers have to climb up and down several times before advancing to higher ground?
he climbers had to get used to the altitude.
Who is Peak's father?
What was Peak arrested for in the story?
Climbing up a skyscraper in NYC
What was the mountain Peak was trying to climb?
Mt. Everest