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Landforms and Bodies of Water

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am a body of water. My water starts at the top of a high cliff, then drops to a body of water further down. What am I?
I am a waterfall.
I am a tall landform. Sometimes hot lava comes out of my top. What am I?
I am a volcano.
I am a low area. I am in the middle of two tall mountains. What am I?
I am a valley.
I am a narrow body of water. I connect two larger bodies of water. What am I?
I am a strait.
I am a hill made of sand. I can be at a beach or in the desert. What am I?
I am a sand dune.
I am a flowing, moving stream of water that flows into an ocean, lake, pond, or other river. What am I?
I am a river.
I am a small area of water, smaller than a lake. I have freshwater. What am I?
I am a pond.
I am a large, flat area of land. I am covered in grass. What am I?
I am a plain.
I am land surrounded by water on three sides. What am I?
I am a peninsula.
I am a raised, flat surface. I am bound on all sides by cliffs or steep slopes. What am I?
I am a plateau.
I am very large with lots of animals and plants inside me. I cover most of the Earth’s surface, 71% to be exact. What am I?
I am an ocean.
I am the tallest landform. I rise high into the sky, way above the hills. What am I?
I am a mountain.
I am a large body of water surrounded by land. I am not an ocean. What am I?
I am a lake.
I am a narrow strip of land that separates two bodies of water. I also connect two larger areas of land. What am i?
I am an isthmus.
I am an area of land. I have water on all sides of me. What am I?
I am an island.
I am a raised and rounded bit of land. I am not as tall as a mountain. What am I?
I am a hill.
I am a place that gets very little rain each year. What am I?
I am a desert.
I am a piece of land made by mud deposits and sand. I am located at the mouth of a river. I am shaped like a triangle. What am I?
I am a delta.
I am a very steep face of rock. What am I?
I am a cliff.
I am a large hollow place in the side of a hill or cliff. I could also be underground. What am I?
I am a cave.
I am formed from a flowing river moving away sand and dirt. I am a deep cut into the earth, with tall steep walls. What am I?
I am a canyon.
I am the shore of a body of water. I am covered by sand, gravel, or rock fragments. What am I?
I am a beach.
I am a large body of water partly surrounded by land. I am connected to the ocean. What am I?
I am a bay.