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English File Unit 8A

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Lilian is going to ( t r e r i e) next month.
Lilian is going to retire next month.
Mandy (p p a l i d e f r o) a job online.
Mandy applied for a job online.
My parents ( r n u) a language school in Bristol.
My parents run a language school in Bristol.
A man in our department ( s a w s c k e a d) yesterday.
A man in our department was sacked yesterday.
Nurses have to ( w r o k h s i f t s ).
Nurses have to work shifts.
Matt ( s a w p o m o r d t e ) last week.
Matt was promoted last week.
It's a permanent job.
only a few hours a day
only a short contract, e.g. for six months
It's a temporary job.
only a short contract, e.g. for six months
only a few hours a day
I am self-employed.
I am working for myself.
I am working for different companies.
I don't have any job.
I am working for a company.
I am a freelance teacher.
I am working for different companies.
I am working for myself.
I don't have any job.
I am working for a company.
I'm unemployed.
I don't have any job.
I am working for myself.
I am working for different companies.
What is the meaning of 'work shifts'?
a work schedule that is performed in rotations
manage a business
to leave your job or stop working at a required age
to remove someone from a job because they have done sth bad
What is the meaning of 'was sacked'?
to remove someone from a job because they have done sth bad
a work schedule that is performed in rotations
to leave your job or stop working at a required age
establish a business
What is the meaning of 'to be made redundant'?
to dismiss (a person who is no longer needed) from a job
leave a job or office voluntarily
to leave your job or stop working at a required age
establish a business
What is the meaning of 'set up'?
establish a business
leave a job or office voluntarily
to leave your job or stop working at a required age
to dismiss (a person who is no longer needed) from a job
What is the meaning of 'retire'?
to leave your job or stop working at a required age
leave a job or office voluntarily
establish a business
to dismiss (a person who is no longer needed) from a job
What is the meaning of 'resign'?
leave a job or office voluntarily
to leave your job or stop working at a required age
establish a business
to dismiss (a person who is no longer needed) from a job
What is the meaning of 'get promoted'?
to raise someone to a higher or more important position
make a formal application
to spend more time working
leave a job or office voluntarily
What is the meaning of 'do overtime'?
to spend more time working
make a formal application
to raise someone to a higher or more important position
leave a job or office voluntarily
What is the meaning of 'to apply for'?
make a formal application
to spend more time working
to raise someone to a higher or more important position
leave a job or office voluntarily