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Chapter 11: Flour, Lumber, and Iron Ore

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A person/job in the lumber industry was...
Lumberjacks, sawmill workers, industrialists, Frederick Weyerhauser
A machine used in the lumber industry was...
Saws, axes, railroads, logging chains
A natural resource used in the lumber industry was...
White pine, forests, waterways, frozen ground for transportation
A person/job in the iron ore industry was...
Miners, investors, conductors, dock loaders, Henry Oliver
A machine used in the iron ore industry was...
Railroads, steamboats, steam-powered shovels, electric shovels, steam engines, diesel engines
A natural resource in the iron ore industry was...
Iron ore, Lake Superior
A person/job in the flour milling industry was...
Millers, farmers, railroad workers, Charles Pillsbury
A machine used in the flour milling industry was...
Steel rollers, middling purifiers, ventilation fans, waterwheels, grindstones
A natural resource in the flour milling industry was...
Wheat, waterfalls, and farmland
The lumber industry declined in Minnesota because...
Much of Minnesota’s white pine was cut down, and not enough new trees were planted
Minneapolis had a “monopoly of power” in the flour milling industry because of the...
St. Anthony Falls
Why was iron ore considered valuable because...
When extracted, it was mixed with limestone to make steel
The first organized group of Minnesota farmers was called The Grange.
The Washburn mill was destroyed in 1878 by a tornado.
Puffed grain (wheat, rice, barley) was invented by Charles Pillbury.
The Mesabi, Vermilion, and Cuyuna Ranges were all important sources of iron ore.
Two machines that influenced flour milling were the middlings purifier and steel rollers.
Waterfalls were important in flour milling, lumbering, and iron mining.
Minnesota’s white pine lumber was highly valuable.
A lumber industrialist who bought and owned a large portion of the white pine forests in Minnesota was...
Frederick Weyerhauser
An industrialist who controlled Minnesota’s iron ore mining industry was...
Henry Oliver
Avflour industrialist who created the Pillsbury Flour Company was...
Charles Pillsbury
The kind of wood highly sought after in the Minnesota lumber industry was...
White pine
Rock or mineral from which iron can be removed is...
Iron ore
The kind of wheat first planted and grown in Minnesota was...
Turkey Red