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Spain in the 19th century

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Name two wars or revolutions that took place in Spain in the 19th century.
The war of Independence, The First Carlist War, La Gloriosa
When did Spain lose its last colonies of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines?
Which queen introduced a constitutional monarchy to Spain?
Isabel II
What class of society were factory workers?
Lower class
What were the three social classes in the 19th century?
Upper class, middle class and lower class.
What invention created a new means or transport that was faster, safer and cheaper?
The steam engine.
Name one change that happened because of the Industrial Revolution.
Factories replaced artisans, steam engines became a new way of transportation, there were new sources of energy and work, textile and steel industries developed
What is the difference between an absolute monarchy and a constitutional monarchy?
In an absolute monarchy the king or queen has complete power, in a constitutional monarchy an elected government has power.
Who was Jose Bonaparte?
The King of Spain from 1808-1814 and Napoleon Bonaparte's brother.
Who became the king of Spain when the War of Independence ended?
Fernando VII
How long did the War of Independence last?
Six years.
What does suffrage mean?
The right to vote to elect representatives.
Name two rights the Constitution of Cadiz established.
It established equality under the law and suffrage.
Who was Spain fighting against in the War of Independence?
Which French emperor invaded Spain in 1807?
Napoleon Bonaparte