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Animal Defenses

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What is your favorite kind of animal defense?
Will vary
How does the opossum defend itself?
It plays dead when it is afraid.
It uses its sharp teeth and claws.
It uses camouflage.
It injects venom into the predator.
What animals use poison to defend themselves?
Golden frogs, puffer fish, cuttlefish
Spiders, bees, snakes
Cats, dogs, rabbits
Lions, tigers, bears
What animals use venom to defend themselves?
Spiders, bees, snakes
Golden frogs, puffer fish, cuttlefish
Cats, dogs, rabbits
Lions, tigers, bears
What animals use claws, teeth, or spikes to defend themselves?
Porcupines, hedgehogs, lions, bears, cats
Lions, bears, spiders, bees
Snakes, ants, puffer fish, zebras
Deer, lizards, porcupines, ants
Camouflage is an example of ________
blending in.
using claws, teeth, or spikes.
distracting other animals.
Venom is a _________________
harmful substance that enters the body through a bite/sting.
harmful substance that enters the body through the skin.
group of animals that bites or stings.
way to attract other animals.
What is prey?
Animals that are hunted and eaten by other animals
Animals that hunt and eat other animals
Animals that play dead to avoid harm
Animals that use camouflage to hide
What are predators?
Animals that hunt and eat other animals to survive
Animals that are hunted and eaten by other animals
Animals that use camouflage to hide
Animals that play dead to avoid harm
Poison is a __________________
harmful substance that enters the body through the skin.
harmful substance that enters the body through a bite/sting.
liquid given to treat a bite or sting.
group of cats or dogs.
What does distract mean?
To keep (someone) from paying full attention to something
To blend in with the colors nearby
To poison another animal
To hold onto and take to a different place
What is blending in?
Matching your surroundings
Standing out in your surroundings
Entering another room quickly
Hiding behind a big object