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YR 3 TERM 3 HUMANITIES (Week 1-Week 3)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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________________________ was the first person to show transmitted television pictures.
John Logie Baird
an Italian named ____________________ registered his invention of the radio.
Guglielmo Marconi
Sharing information with many people at once is called mass communication. True/ False
This telecommunication device uses electricity flowing through wires, but it sends sound instead of codes.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the _____________________.
Who invented the telegraph?
Samuel Morse.
This device sends messages using a special alphabet code made up of ‘dots and dashes’
What are examples of telecommunication?
Telegraph, telephone and mobile phone.
List down four examples of mass communication.
Newspaper, radio, television and the internet.
What was the purpose of using a stamp in postal sevices?
The stamp shows that the person sending the letter has paid for postage.
What was the name of the world's first postage stamp?
Penny Black
Who introduced the world’s first postage stamp?
Rowland Hill
List four examples of mail transport in history.
Ships/ packet boats, horse-drawn coaches, train and airplane
Paper in China was invented by ______________________.
Cai Lun
C. Give one special feature of the printing press.
3. What is one great effect/impact of the invention of the printing press.
:) 3
2. What is one great effect/impact of the invention of the printing press.
:) 2
1. What is one great effect/impact of the invention of the printing press.
:) 1
B. Give one special feature of the printing press.
A. Give one special feature of the printing press.
Who invented the printing press?
Johannes Gutenberg.
Bi Sheng invented the _____________________.
Movable type.
"They carved the image to be printed on wood. Then they pressed cloth or paper onto the wood to transfer the ink. What type of printing is this?
Wooden block printing.
The idea of printing originated from __________________.
People have been using pencils with a stick of _________________ inside a wooden casing
The ________________ was a large feather with a nib cut in the end.
Quill pen
In about 2300BCE, the Ancient Egyptians invented an early form of paper called __________________.
The felt-tipped pen was invented by _________________.
Yukio Horie.
1827, the _____________________ was made. This pen was able to hold its own ink inside the pen.
Fountain pen.
Laszlo Biro introduced this pen in 1938.
Ballpoint pen.
The tip of a pen is called a ___________________.