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History of Photography

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When were phone cameras first introduced?
What important photo was taken in 1968?
Earthrise; a picture of the earth taken from the moon
What was significant about the invention of the polaroid camera?
It was the world's first viable instant-picture camera.
What happened in 1948?
The polaroid was put on the market.
When did the first mass marketed camera go on sale?
Who created the first mass marketed camera?
George Eastman, Kodak company
What was the first mass marketed camera called?
the brownie
When was the first color photograph taken?
When was the daguerrotype invented?
What was ONE benefit of the daugerrotype?
Cut down exposure time down from several hours to 10 to 20 mins. Produced a sharper, more defined image.
Who took the first photograph?
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
When was the world's first photograph taken?
Tell me a fact about the Camera Obscura
-created by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce; The camera obscura only allowed for the viewing of images in real time. To record it permanently, artists had to trace it.
What does the word "camera obscura" mean?
Dark Chamber
What does the word photography literally mean?
Drawing with light (from the Greek word "phos," meaning light, and "graphe," meaning draw)