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Check-up game of Academic style in Writing

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the more academic word (formal word) of "go up "?
increase/ rise
What is the more academic word (formal word) of "around"?
What is the more academic word (formal word) of "kids"?
Is it an academic style when you use tentative language (e.g., may/ can/ could, tends to, seems, appears) in your writing?
Yes, it is.
Is this writing in academic style?
No, it isn't. It is a personal diary.
Rewrite this sentence in a more academic style: "You can’t always trust the numbers in that report"
The numbers in that report are unreliable.
Is it an academic style when you use COLLOQUIAL or IDIOMATIC expressions?
Is this writing in an academic style? Why (not)?
No, it isn't. This is an informal letter/ email and the author used contraction "s"
Please point out the inappropriate elements in the following sentence: "Years ago they allowed women to vote."
The phrase "Years ago" is imprecise. We need to make it clearer by giving a certain year such as in 1987.Or we can rewrite it using Passive Voice
Is it an academic style when you use CITATIONS?
Yes, it is.
Is it an academic style when you use ACCURATE VOCABULARY in your writing?
Is this writing in an academic style?
Yes, it is.
Rewrite this sentence in a more academic Style: "Sadly, serious crime like murder is going up."
It can be rewritten as: "Serious crime, such as murder, is increasing"
Is this writing in an academic style?
Yes, it is.
Is it an academic style when you use CONTRACTIONS?
No, it isn't. You should not use contractions (e.g. "can't, won't, don't....) in academic writing