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Verb Moods

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What verb mood is this? If you were here, you could have danced too.
Conditional (something that could happen)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
Subjunctive (wish, suggestions, requirement, hypothetical)
What verb mood is this? We might be able to buy the new phone next week.
Conditional (something that could happen)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
Subjunctive (wish, suggestions, requirement, hypothetical)
What verb mood is this? I wish I could fly.
Subjunctive (wish, suggestions, requirement, hypothetical)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
Conditional (something that could happen)
What verb mood is this? Can we play outside?
Interrogative (?)
Indicative (statement)
Imperative (comand)
Subjunctive (wish, suggestions, requirement, hypothetical)
What verb mood is this? Do you want to play a game?
Interrogative (?)
Indicative (statement)
Imperative (comand)
Subjunctive (wish, suggestions, requirement, hypothetical)
What verb mood is this? Miss Yoder needs coffee on Friday mornings.
Indicative (statement)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
Subjunctive (wish, suggestions, requirement, hypothetical)
What verb mood is this? Take your sister to school.
Imperative (comand)
Indicative (statement)
Interrogative (?)
Conditional (something that could happen)
What verb mood is this? Please close the door.
Imperative (comand)
Indicative (statement)
Interrogative (?)
Conditional (something that could happen)
What verb mood is this? It is a requirement that you sing in chorus.
Subjunctive (wish, suggestions, requirement, hypothetical)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
Conditional (something that could happen)
What verb mood is this? If Miss Yoder were taller, she could reach the top shelf.
Subjunctive (wish, suggestions, requirement, hypothetical)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
Conditional (something that could happen)
What verb mood is this? I wish it were the weekend!
Subjunctive (wish, suggestions, requirement, hypothetical)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
Conditional (something that could happen)
What verb mood is this? I suggest buying a new car.
Subjunctive (wish, suggestions, requirement, hypothetical)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
Conditional (something that could happen)
What verb mood is this? If you want to win, you should practice more.
Conditional (something that could happen)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
Subjunctive (wish, suggestions, requirement, hypothetical)
What verb mood is this? Nealie would like another pet cat.
Conditional (something that could happen)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
Subjunctive (wish, suggestions, requirement, hypothetical)
What verb mood is this? If Stephen were here, we would not stop talking.
Conditional (something that could happen)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
Subjunctive (wish, suggestions, requirement, hypothetical)
What verb mood is this? It is essential that Parker gets to class on time.
Subjunctive (wish, suggestions, requirement, hypothetical)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
Conditional (something that could happen)
What verb mood is this? Brooke is in English class right now.
Indicative (statement)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
What verb mood is this? Isaiah, please open your Chromebook.
Imperative (comand)
Indicative (statement)
Interrogative (?)
What verb mood is this? Julian's favorite animals are dogs.
Imperative (comand)
Indicative (statement)
Interrogative (?)
What verb mood is this? Maxx and Will are best friends.
Imperative (comand)
Indicative (statement)
Interrogative (?)
What verb mood is this? Camrin, sit down in your seat.
Imperative (comand)
Indicative (statement)
Interrogative (?)
What verb mood is this? Amelia hunts animals.
Indicative (statement)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
What verb mood is this? Mason is on the track team.
Indicative (statement)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
What verb mood is this? Miss Yoder, can I go to the water fountain?
Interrogative (?)
Indicative (statement)
Imperative (comand)
What verb mood is this? What time is it?
Interrogative (?)
Indicative (statement)
Imperative (comand)
What verb mood is this? Fortnite is the best game.
Indicative (statement)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
What verb mood is this?It is hot outside.
Indicative (statement)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)
What verb mood is this? Get to class on time.
Imperative (comand)
Indicative (statement)
Interrogative (?)
What verb mood is this? Clean your room now!
Imperative (comand)
Indicative (statement)
Interrogative (?)
What verb mood is this? Do you want to come too?
Interrogative (?)
Indicative (statement)
Imperative (comand)
What verb mood is this? I love pizza.
Indicative (statement)
Interrogative (?)
Imperative (command)