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Endangered Animals
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who lives in this habitat?
gorillas and pandas
elephants and gorillas
tigers and pandas
What's NOT true about blue whales?
They're losing their habitat
They don't have enough food
Poachers are hunting them
Where does this friend live?
in the ocean!
in the grasslands!
in the forest!
What's NOT true about rhinos?
They're losing their habitat
They live in the grasslands
Poachers are hunting them
Tigers are endangered because...
poachers are hunting them!
they don't have enough food!
they're losing their habitat!
Elephants are losing their habitat
Nah, they aren't
They are!!
This friend lives in the forests
Do poachers hunt ocean animals?
They do!
Nah, only grassland animals
Blue whales don't have enough food
What do poachers do?
they hunt animals illegally
they melt the ice in the arctic
they cut down trees in the forests
Poachers protect wild animals
The giant panda is endangered because...
it's losing its habitat
the ice in the arctic is melting
What's the problem?
the ice in the arctic is melting
people are cutting down trees in the forests
poachers are hunting wild animals
Where does this friend live?
in the arctic!
in the grasslands!
in the forest!
in the ocean!
Does this friend live in the grasslands?
Nope, it lives in the forest!
Of course it does!
Not really, it lives in the arctic