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passives and causative HAVE (grammar 1B)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Was Tony injured playing rugby? = Did Tony ............ ? (complete the sentence)
.... get injured playing rugby?
People believe that he is a good president. = He ......... (complete the sentence)
He is believed to be a good president.
I don't like ................ my photograph ............... . (complete it with: have/take)
I don't like having my photograph taken.
Your hair looks nice. Have you ........ it ............ ? (complete it with: have/cut)
Have you had it cut?
Someone has stolen their car. = They ........ ......... car ............ . (complete the 4 missing words)
have had their / stolen (They've had their card stolen.)
He is a mystery man. = Very little ........ ............ about him. (complete the 2 missing words)
is known (Very little is known about him.)
I don't like people telling me what to do. say it in the passive: I don't ..........
........ like being told what to do.
They will offer me the job. - say it in the passive: I ................. the job.
will be offered (I will be offered the job.)
Someone was following us. - say it in the passive voice
We were being followed.
Has a dog ever bitten you? - say it in the passive voice
Have you ever been bitten by a dog?
Jim gave Alan some help. = ........ ........ .......... some help by ....... . (complete the 4 missing words)
Alan was given ........ Jim. (Alan was given some help by Jim.)
Leave me alone. = I want to ....... ......... alone (complete the 2 missing words)
be left (I want to be left alone.)
Someone is cleaning the room. - say it in the passive voice
The room is being cleaned (at the moment).
complete this passive sentence: I'm always ............ to parties. People like me.
Someone has stolen lots of money from the bank. - make a passive question: How much money ......?
How much money has been stolen (from the bank)?
A loud noise woke me up during the night. I was ....... (complete it in the passive)
I was woken up by a loud noise during the night.
Someone cleaned this room yesterday. - say it in the passive
This room was cleaned yesterday.
My grandfather wrote this book. - say it in the passive voice
This book was written by my grandfather.
They build this house in 1995. - say it in the passive voice
This house was built in 1995.
How do you spell this word? = How is this word ...... ? (complete the word)