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( 4A ) 2023 Spring Week 5-9 Vocabulary

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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to be formed from two or more things or people
consist of ( phrasal verb )
to breath in quickly and repeatedly through the nose
snuffle (v.)
feeling ashamed or shy
embarrassed (adj.)
without any doubt, definitely
certainly (adv.)
very sure, with no doubts that something is right or true
positive (adj.)
vibrations caused by earthquakes
seismic wave (n.)
a piece of equipment that detects and records earthquakes
seismograph (n.)
to talk about, write about, or refer to something or someone especially in a brief way
mention (v.)
a well-trained or educated person who works in a library
librarian (n.)
to make someone feel better when they are sad or worried
comfort (v.)
at a higher, more difficult level
advanced (adj.)
water that soaks into soil
soil water (n.)
to laugh at someone and make jokes in order to have fun by embarrassing them
tease (v.)
water that fills the cracks and spaces of rocks under the ground
groundwater (n.)
strange, unfamiliar, special, or a little surprising
peculiar (adj.)
living in or containing water that is not salty
freshwater (n.)
to choose something or someone by thinking carefully about which is the best, most suitable
select (v.)
a change in position
movement ( n. )
without any doubt; definitely
certainly ( adv. )
a crack in the earth's surface where the rock has divided into two parts that move against each other
fault ( n. )
one of the large moving layers of rock that the earth's surface is believed to be made of
plate ( n. )
good sense and judgement, based especially on your life experience
wisdom ( v. )
to change the appearance, sound or taste so that people will not recognize that person or thing
disguise ( v. )
to go from one side of something to the other side and come back again
crisscross ( v. )
a bad feeling of wanting what others have
jealousy ( n. )
carefully avoiding danger or risk
cautiously ( adv. )
not clearly seen, heard, or tasted; almost not there anymore
faint ( adj. )
a bend in the rock layers
fold ( n. )
a high flat landform
plateau ( n. )
to make certain; to ensure that someone does not have doubts
assure ( v. )
toward a higher position or level
upward ( adv. )
to speak or cry out suddenly in anger, surprise
exclaim ( v. )
to hold or grasp tightly
clutch ( v. )
sphere of solid material at Earth's center
inner core ( n. )
liquid layer below the mantle
outer core ( n. )
the outer layer of Earth
crust ( n. )
to see or become conscious of something or someone
notice ( v. )
to hold or grasp tightly
clutch ( v. )
to gradually disappear
fade ( v. )