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Let's Go 2
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you like?
I like stew.
What do you like?
I like steak.
What do you like?
I like peaches.
What do you like?
I like pasta.
What do you like?
I like pancakes.
What do you like?
I like hamburgers.
What do you like?
I like grapes.
What do you like?
I like cheese.
What does he want?
He wants hot chocolate.
What does he want?
He wants tea.
What does she want?
She wants cereal.
What does she want?
She wants yogurt.
What does he want?
He wants a pancake.
What does he want?
He wants a pear.
What does she want?
She wants a peach.
What does she want?
She wants an omelet.
Who are they?
They're teachers.
Who are they?
They're students.
Who are they?
They're salesclerks.
Who are they?
They're pilots.
Who are they?
They're office workers.
Who are they?
They're firefighters.
Who are they?
They're engineers.
Who are they?
They're dentists.
Who's she?
She's a farmer.
Who's she?
She's a student.
Who's he?
He's a teacher.
Who's he?
He's a police officer.
Who's she?
She's a doctor.
Who's he?
He's a taxi driver.
Who's she?
She's a nurse.
Who's she?
She's a cook.
Can you ___?
Can you ___?
Can you ___?
Can you ___?
Can you ___?
Can you ___?
Can you ___?
Can you ___?
What can she do?
She can ride a pony.
What can she do?
She can play with a yo-yo.
What can he do?
He can play the piano.
What can he do?
He can play hopscotch.
What can he do?
He can jump rope!
What can she do?
She can do a somersault.
What can she do?
She can do a magic trick.
What can he do?
He can do a cartwheel.
What do you have?
I have a wallet.
What do you have?
I have an umbrella.
What do you have?
I have a train pass.
What do you have?
I have a music player.
What do you have?
I have a lunch box.
What do you have?
I have a key chain.
What do you have?
I have a camera.
What do you have?
I have a calculator
What do you have?
I have a watch.
What do you have?
I have a tissue.
What do you have?
I have a key.
What do you have?
I have a comic book.
What do you have?
I have a comb.
What do you have?
I have a coin.
What do you have?
I have a candy bar.
What do you have?
I have a brush.
What are those?
They're workbooks.
What are those?
They're windows.
What are those?
They're pictures.
What are those?
They're pencil sharpeners.
What are these?
They're paper clips.
What are these?
They're doors.
What are these?
They're clocks.
What are these?
They're calendars.
What's that?
It's a workbook.
What's that?
it's a window.
What's that?
It's a picture.
What's that?
It's a pencil sharpener.
What's this?
It's a paper clip.
What's this?
It's a door.
What's this?
It's a clock.
What's this?
It's a calendar.