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Semana Santa

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did we ride while going around Paris?
We rode scooters.
What is the korean dish called?
It is called samgyupsal.
Did we get to go inside the Versailles Palace?
What did we see at the top of the Arc?
We saw the Eiffel Tower.
Where was our first stop in Paris?
Our first stop was the Arc de Triomphe.
What did we see in the Keukenhof Gardens?
We saw a lot of flowers (mostly tulips).
Which country did Salvador Dali come from?
He came from Spain.
What is happening to the houses in Amsterdam?
They are slanted.
What is the name of the "atom" statue in Brussels?
It is called the Atomium.
Is the Mannekin Pis a gold, silver, or bronze statue?
It is a bronze statue.
What did we eat in Amsterdam?
What toppings did we have?
We had whipped cream, nutella, and milk chocolate.
What did we eat in Brussels?
We ate waffles.
What cities did I visit?
I visited Brussels, Amsterdam, and Paris.
What countries did I visit?
I visited Belgium, Netherlands, and France.