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the abalone spends a lot of time clamped onto _______
the leafy horn mouth has _____ ridges along its shell, used to foil crabs from breaking it
the foot of a mollusk can ______ and _______
dig, kick
what maybe is the greatest secret of the survival game is...
the ability to change in a changing world
mollusks endure because their bodies ______
how many arms does an octopus have?
an octopus can change ____ and _____ in an instant, called ______
color, texture, camouflage
every squid has ______ heart(s)
squids improved on the jet propulsion system of the ______
some squids can go as fast as ______ miles per hour
the nautilus can swim by _____ water in and then _____ it out of a funnel
taking, pushing
some mollusks can swim by _______ off of the bottom of the ocean floor, such as the nautilus.
if the shell can't protect the mollusk, they sometimes can also ____ ____
run away
what is the body part that provides the shell called?
the mantle
mollusks have survived because their body parts are able to
how long ago did mollusks appear?
half a billion (500,000,000) years ago
how many different types of mollusks are there?
over 150,000
inside the abalone's mouth, there is a _____ which is sort of like a chainsaw
the moon snail can inflate its foot to ______ times the size of its shell
the abalone's foot is attached to its ____ and can ____ easily
shell, twist