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Weird and Wonderful Easter Facts

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Which country did the Easter Bunny come from?
Name 3 traditions celebrated in Czech Republic for Easter
Easter goes on for almost a week, boys shake rattles to scare off Judas, Easter Monday trumps Easter Sunday... etc
How to people celebrate Easter in the Netherlands?
They make Easter bonfires
What are popular dishes to eat for Easter in Colombia?
Turtle egg omelets, iguana soup, and capybara stew.
What would pagan Saxons bake to honor the goddess Eostre?
cross buns
What are the most popular non-chocolate Easter candies in America?
marshmallow peeps and jelly beans
What does the White House host every year for Easter?
An Easter Egg roll
What do Australians use to celebrate Easter instead of rabbits?
Easter Bilby
Where were the oldest decorated eggshells found? How old were they?
They were found in South Africa, and they were estimated to be 60,000 years old.
How much are the most expensive Easter eggs made?
£25,000 for three.
In which country was the tallest chocolate Easter egg made?
What is this decorated egg called in Poland and Ukraine?
Pisanky or Pisankas
What does an egg symbolize in Paganism?
It is viewed as a symbol of fertility and new life.
Where does the symbol of the lamb come from?
The custom of lamb for Easter dinner comes from the Jewish Passover holiday.
Why is Easter celebrated at different times by Christians in Eastern and Western Europe?
In Western Europe Christian churches follow the Gregorian calendar and in the East, Orthodox Christians use the Julian calendar
Why does the date of Easter change each year?
It is based on the Moon. Easter is celebrated on the Sunday after the full moon following March 21st.
Where does the English word "Easter" come from?
It comes from a Saxon pagan goddess named Eostre.