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Berliner Mauer

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How many people lost their lives at the Berlin Wall? 50, 140, 220, 290
The last fatal shooting happened 1989. True or false?
What was the main issue with the Wall?
It separated families, people didn't have the freedom to travel.
How high was the Wall?
Up to 4 metres.
Why didn't the allies prevent the building of the Wall?
The Wall wasn't on their territory.
Why was the Wall build in the first place?
To keep the people in the GDR.
Why didn't the girl flee the GDR hiding in a VW Beetle?
Because the petrol leaked onto her and burnt her neck.
Why was West Berlin called an "island"?
It was sitting in the GDR like an island and surrounded by the Wall.
Name the singer who was singing at the Berlin Wall when it came down.
David Hasselhoff
Name the four allies who shared Germany after WW II
Britain, USA, France and Soviet Union
How long was the Berlin Wall?
About 180 km.
What did Walter Ulbricht say shortly before the wall was build?
That there were no intentions to build a wall.
Were the people of the GDR aware of the plans to build a wall?
Who was the leader of the GDR when the wall fell?
Erich Honecker
Who was the GDR leader when the wall was built?
Walter Ulbricht
How many people emigrated from the GDR to the West from 1949 until 1961?
About 3 million.
What is the spacious part of the wall called where the guards can shoot?
Death Strip
What did President Kennedy say when he visited?
Ich bin ein Berliner.
What was the name of the secret police in the GDR?
Name four ways people escaped?
Tunnel, jumping from houses, hijacking a military vehicle driving it into the wall, jumping onto an underground train, fixing two ladders together
When did the Berlin Wall fall?
When was the Berlin Wall built?
August 1961