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Reading, Gr4: The Enormous Elephant

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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verb: to give up especially as not really needed
spare - ˈsper
verb: 1. informal : to leave (a job, school, career, etc.) // 2. chiefly US, informal : to stop doing (an action or activity)
quit - ˈkwit
noun: an oval vegetable with a usually glossy purplish skin and white flesh
eggplant - egg·​plant | \ ˈeg-ˌplant
noun: US : a very thin flat piece of dough that is wrapped around a mixture of chopped vegetables and often meat and then usually fried
egg roll
noun: a Mexican food that consists of a flat piece of bread (called a tortilla) that is rolled around a meat, bean, or cheese filling and covered with a sauce
enchilada - en·​chi·​la·​da | \ ˌen-chə-ˈlä-də
noun: a small creature in stories usually with pointed ears and magical powers
elf - ˈelf
noun: a continuous series of stairs from one landing or floor to another
flight of stairs
adjective: extremely tired (depleted of energy)
exhausted - ex·​haust·​ed | \ ig-ˈzȯ-stəd
noun: a drink made of eggs beaten with sugar, milk or cream
eggnog - egg·​nog | \ ˈeg-ˌnäg
trademark—used for a bar of ice cream enclosed in a chocolate shell and often formed on a stick
Eskimo Pie
noun: a long thin pastry filled with whipped cream or custard
eclairs - \ ē-ˈkler
adjective: unusually great in size, number, or degree
enormous - enor·​mous | \ i-ˈnȯr-məs