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Past Simple Common Mistakes

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He knew Alex very busy, so he _________ (disturb) him.
didn't disturb
Complete the sentence: There/ massive/ traffic jam/ Melrose Avenue/ because/ car accident/ happen/ an hour/ before/ I/ get/ there.
There was a massive traffic jam on Melrose Avenue because a car accident happened an hour before I got there.
Complete the sentence: I/ not able/ buy/ bag/ at first/ because/ expensive/ but/ it/ on sale/ a few days later/ so/ I/ decide/ buy/ it.
I wasn’t able to buy the bag at first because it was expensive, but it was on sale a few days later, so I decided to buy it.
I losed my purse.
losed -> lost
I feeled excited before my holiday.
feeled -> felt
Did you understand what she say?
say -> said
Maria lives in Dublin all her life. She died last year.
lives -> lived
Who build the Eiffel Tower?
build -> built
It rainned a lot in April.
rainned -> rained
Look! You droped your keys.
droped -> dropped
Make a question: your class / happy/ last holiday?
Was your class happy last holiday?
She (tear) ___________ the letter to pieces and threw it in the bin.
He (lay) ___________ his hand on my shoulder.
A huge wave (sweep) ___________ over the deck.
Technology helped people a lot in daily life.
helped -> helps
It was day in December, Tom’s having to take the last exam of his student life.
's having -> had
Mr. Tom teaching them when they were freshmen in the university.
teaching -> taught
We haven’t visited family since 2 years.
since -> for