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Video Games: Friend or Foe?

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______: a person or organization that puts money into financial plans, property, etc. with the expectation of achieving a profit.
What is a "nerd"?
Someone who is awkward in social situations and has only intelectual interests.
It's well known that some _________ of online games are psychological reinforcements designed to keep players playing.
"The teachers were __________ him during the test because they thought he might cheat."
keeping an eye on
______________: a strong desire to do something that is wrong
Where are Nintendo Original headquarters located?
Other addicts ________ _______ ______ family and friends.
lose contact with
But now computer gaming has totally ________ its nerdy image and become popular worldwide with people of all ages.
_____________: to become very angry, crazy, and violent.
Go berserk
___________: To watch closely or carefully.
Keep an eye on
______: to undergo sudden and complete withdrawal from a habitual activity or behavior pattern.
Go cold turkey
Why is the gaming industry controversial?
In some cases, too much gaming can be addictive.
Mention 1 of the benefits of video gaming for people who aren't compulsive.
Gaming is used for educational and medical purposes.
Mention 1 symptom that gaming addicts may display.
They lose contact with family and friends, the sleep less, they miss school, etc.
Mention 1 symptom that gaming addicts may display.
They lose contact with family and friends, the sleep less, they miss school, etc.