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A. Joseph planned a Christmas party at lakeshore park this December. B. Joseph planned a Christmas party at Lakeshore Park this December.
B. Joseph planned a Christmas party at Lakeshore Park this December.
A. We celebrate Valentine’s Day in February, not in October. B. We celebrate Valentine’s day in February, not in october.
A. We celebrate Valentine’s Day in February, not in October.
A. Are you going to go to Sarah's party on Saturday? B. Are you going to go to Sarah's Party on Saturday?
A. Are you going to go to Sarah's party on Saturday?
A. Nicole likes pepsi, but Veronica and Brandon prefer coke. B. Nicole likes Pepsi, but Veronica and Brandon prefer Coke.
B. Nicole likes Pepsi, but Veronica and Brandon prefer Coke.
A. The faces of four Presidents are carved on Mt. Rushmore. B. The faces of four presidents are carved on mt. Rushmore.
A. The faces of four Presidents are carved on Mt. Rushmore.
A. The train will stop in Atlanta, montgomery, and Jacksonville. B. The train will stop in Atlanta, Montgomery, and Jacksonville.
B. The train will stop in Atlanta, Montgomery, and Jacksonville.
A. My friend Sally and I are reading the novel the "Bridge to Terabithia." B. My friend Sally and i are reading the Novel the "Bridge to Terabithia."
A. My friend Sally and I are reading the novel the "Bridge to Terabithia."
A. The Jackson elementary school band will perform “yankee doodle.” B. The Jackson Elementary School Band will perform “Yankee Doodle.”
B. The Jackson Elementary School Band will perform “Yankee Doodle.”
A. The City of Trenton is the Capital of New Jersey. B. The city of Trenton is the capital of New Jersey.
B. The city of Trenton is the capital of New Jersey.
A. Our family gives potato chips and Reese’s to kids for Halloween. B. Our family gives Potato Chips and Reese’s to kids for halloween.
A. Our family gives potato chips and Reese’s to kids for Halloween.
A. Did you want to eat a burger from Mcdonald’s or Burger King? B. Did you want to eat a burger from Mcdonald’s or burger King?
A. Did you want to eat a burger from Mcdonald’s or Burger King?
A. For his birthday, my brother asked for a Playstation and a pair of Adidas shoes. B. For his Birthday, my brother asked for a playstation and a pair of adidas Shoes.
A. For his birthday, my brother asked for a Playstation and a pair of Adidas shoes.
A. The Mayor visited my Social studies class last Week. B. The Mayor visited my Social Studies class last week.
B. The Mayor visited my Social Studies class last week.
A. I bought a Mountain dew and some Pringles after School. B. I bought a Mountain Dew and some Pringles after school.
B. I bought a Mountain Dew and some Pringles after school.
A. My mom has met Senator Corey Booker. B. My mom has met senator corey Booker.
A. My mom has met Senator Corey Booker.
A. We studied president Lincoln in Social studies today. B. We studied president Lincoln in Social Studies today.
B. We studied president Lincoln in Social Studies today.